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Langston Hughes: Poem and Analysis


This poem is arguably Langston Hughes' most popular poem. This poem is most often used in literary publications. Hughes wrote this poem "Dreams" in the essence of hope. This essence can be found in the first stanza of the poem. According to Langston Hughes poem titled “Dreams” found at which reads "Hold fast to your dreams. For if dreams die, life is but a broken-winged bird that cannot fly."(

This is symbolic of Hughes urging people to hold tight to their dreams. Hughes also encourages people to never stop dreaming, or allow your dreams to fade away. If a person stops dreaming, they may be dealing with unwanted issues in their life or doing something that does not bring them happiness. Hughes informs the audience that the person may be left feelings hopelessness. On the other hand when one dreams, the dream gives someone something to hope for and goals to strive to achieve.

In the second stanza, Hughes uses an inversion his wording initiating a shift in tone. While in the first stanza he used the wording "for IF dreams die," implying that the dream may cease to exist if one does not hold on to their dreams. In the second stanza, Hughes initiates the shift in tone by stating "Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow"( Hughes uses this to inform people if they do not hold on to their dreams and chooses to let the dream go, the person will be left feeling alone and empty. Hughes uses this stanza to stress the importance of dreaming, and holding onto those dreams. When a person is lacking dreams, there is a feeling of worthlessness and no goals to work for. In the end Hughes warns people that if they do not work toward their dream, then it will never come to pass, and the dream will fade away. No matter what the dream is it can be achived people just need to work for it.



Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.


Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.

"Dreams" Analysis


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