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Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Both of Poe’s parents were professional actors working for a well-known acting agency in Poe’s hometown. Tragedy would strike Poe at an early age, when Poe was three years old both of his parents died. Having been orphaned at such a young age, Poe was raised in Virginia by foster parents. According to the unknown author of the “Edgar Allan Poe“ Biography page for poetry states that “Between 1811 and 1815 Poe lived in Richmond, then he went with his foster parents to England”( Poe would spend a short time at the University of Virginia, then left to join the Army. Eventually Poe would attend the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. According to the unknown author of the “Edgar Allan Poe“ Biography page for Columbia states that “Poe was in attendance for only a year, at which time he was writing poetry” (coloumbiagraingers). Poe was dismissed from West Point in 1831. After Poe’s brief stay in the military he would live hand-to-mouth in various literary and journalistic jobs in New York, Baltimore, Richmond, and Philadelphia. In 1835, he received a license to marry his cousin, Virginia Clemm, who was thirteen at the time. According to the unknown author for the “Edgar Allan Poe” Biography page for states that “Poe and Virgina married in 1836 and seem to have lived together happily until her death from tuberculosis in 1845” ( Poe himself died in Baltimore in 1849 under mysterious circumstances. A century and a half after his death, an autopsy examiner reviewing the facts in the case concluded that Poe most likely died of rabies. With his short stories and poems, Poe captured the imagination and interest of readers around the world. His creative talents led to the beginning of different literary genres, earning Poe the nickname "Father of the Detective Story“. Poe’s life however, has become shrouded in mystery and speculation.


Edgar Allen Poe Biography

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